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Home > Travel Canada > Canada Destinations > Brossard, Quebec (Ville)
Brossard, Quebec (Ville)
Canada is a country in the northern half of North America. It is the 2nd largest country in the world in area, after Russia, and has the longest coastline of any country in the world, being next to the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic Oceans. Canada has the highest mountain range in the whole world. Around 30 million people live in Canada's ten provinces and three territories. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Brossard is a municipality in southwestern Quebec, Canada on the south shore of Montreal. It is bordered by the St. Lawrence River to the west and by the Saint-Jacques River to the south. Brossard is a residential city with large commercial zones and an industrial zone. Parks are scattered throughout the city, including Parc Sansonnets. The city of Brossard was founded on February 14, 1958. Brossard is a multi-ethnic city; more than 47 percent are foreign-born. It is the only official multi-cultural city in Quebec. Canada is a popular travel destination for visitors and globe trotters from all over the world who appreciate its beautiful landscapes, rich culture, various local cuisine, hospitality and safety.
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