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Delta, British Columbia (District Municipality)
Canada is a country in the northern half of North America. It is the 2nd largest country in the world in area, after Russia, and has the longest coastline of any country in the world, being next to the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic Oceans. Canada has the highest mountain range in the whole world. Around 30 million people live in Canada's ten provinces and three territories. Ottawa is the capital of Canada.
Delta is a district municipality in British Columbia, Canada. Located south of Richmond, it is bordered by the Fraser River to the north, the United States to the south and the city of Surrey to the east. Delta is composed of three distinct communities, Ladner, Tsawwassen and North Delta. The population of the municipality was 102,655 in the year 2005 with an area of 364 square kilometers. And its population density was 282,0 per square kilometers. Delta's flatlands and coastal shores were inhabited by the Tsawwassen indigenous peoples, of the coast salish first nations. The land was first sighted by Europeans in 1791, when Spanish explorer Lieutenant Francisco de Eliza mistook the area for an island and named it Isla Capeda. Delta is located 27 kilometers from south of Vancouver and 22 kilometers from north of the U.S., United States, border at white rock. It is bordered by water on three sides The Fraser River to the north, the Georgia Strait to the west and Boundary Bay to the south. Delta is governed by the Delta municipal council, led by a Mayor and six councillors. They are elected for three-year terms, the last elections being held in November 2005. The current mayor is Lois Jackson. Delta, unlike most Lower Mainland municipalities, has its own police department. Delta has many minor sports teams in hockey, baseball, and lacrosse. Over 160 young people play ringette in Delta. The Delta Ringette Association has 13 teams in 2005. Presently, Delta experiences a sharp social, economic and population growth derivative of the strategic position of the locality and the high level of well-being and quality of life that is enjoyed with respect to other places of Canada. This fact has consolidated along with other adjacent cities, as a great alternative for residence.
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