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Home > Canada News > Titan Poker Club Launch a Success; Player of the Year Tournament Begins
Titan Poker Club Launch a Success; Player of the Year Tournament Begins
The much anticipated Titan Poker Club has officially launched with resounding interest and success. The Club is offering Titan Poker bonuses, promotional events and private freeroll tournaments for new members upon joining. The Player of the Year Series of tournaments will soon be underway to crown the Titan Poker Club Player of the Year for 2006.
(PRWEB) February 6, 2006 -- The recent launch of Titan Poker Club has already started to send shockwaves around the online poker world. Players from across the globe have already begun to join Titan Poker Club in anticipation of poker prizes, sign-up bonuses, promotional events and the upcoming inaugural Titan Poker Club Player of the Year Series of no-limit hold’em poker tournaments.
The Titan Poker Club Player of the Year Title will be handed out at the end of 2006 along with cash and other Poker Club prizes. However, the fun and excitement is already underway. A “Title Series” tournament will be held each month and “Title Points” will be awarded for poker players finishing in the top 10 of the tourney. In fact, all players will receive Title Points just for participating!
“The first tournament in the series will be a ground-breaking and exciting beginning to what should be an amazing year for the club!” stated C.E.O. Chris R. Cibas. “We are looking forward to a prosperous and fun-filled year and the club’s success will no doubt be attributed to high levels of player participation and customer feedback…after all, it is the players that will make Titan Poker Club a place to learn poker and have fun doing it…not to mention the great prizes we will be awarding to participants.”
The Titan Poker Club series of Player of the Year tournaments will kick-off with a cash-added freeroll on Saturday, February 25th at 9 pm EST. There will be at least one Title Series tournament each month with 15 tourneys altogether to determine the Titan Poker Club Player of the Year.
For high-stakes players, not only will cash-added freerolls be part of the Player of the Year Series, there will also be buy-in tourneys to partake in as well, thus upping the ante and prize values. “There will be a little something for everyone at Titan Poker Club!” The “Club” will also be drawing to award monthly and weekly prizes for poker club members. Prizes will include authentic poker merchandise and generous cash awards. Because members will be the focus of the club, customer support and appreciation will be the number one priority for the support staff.
For new online players short on cash, Titan Poker Club will be helping to sweeten bankrolls by awarding a $500 match deposit bonus for new players interested in playing ring games and other Titan Poker tournaments. Details can be found at Titan Poker Club along with other bonus offers such as the refer-a-friend program.
2006 should be a very exciting year in the online poker world and Titan Poker Club is committed to sharing it with our players.
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