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My Menopause Blog is Hot
My Menopause Blog is the latest brainchild of Breast of Canada calendar publisher Sue Richards. Smart and funny, Richards daily posts offer perspective and an ongoing touchstone for menopausal women everywhere.
Guelph, Canada (PRWEB) March 1, 2006 -- The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada recently reported that approximately four million Canadian women have now reached menopause. By 2026, it is estimated that women over the age of 50 will make up 22 per cent of the Canadian population. Statistic presented by the North American Menopause Society tells a similar story for U.S. women.
In short, the women of the world are heating up. Many of these women are looking for understanding, information and relief.
Sue Richards, author of myMenopauseblog.com was one of those women. After becoming a member of the peri-menopausal club and having no clue of what was happening, Richards started on a quest for knowledge about symptoms, natural remedies and treatments.
“My first need was to confirm I wasn’t going crazy. After I calmed down and accepted my new life stage, I simply wanted a heads up on what I could expect and what to do.”
Richards decided to do her own research and share the results with other women by way of a blog, an on-line weblog, she writes daily. Blog popularity is currently surging. Technorati, the top blog authority, tracks over 28 Million blogs, in a blogosphere that is doubling in size every 5 and a half months.
Richards’s blog postings include valuable information about the stages and symptoms of menopause, including details of clever and amusing ways to deal with the ‘change’. Her trademark ‘smart humor’ is liberally sprinkled throughout the posts, along with cartoons and Richards’ photographs. A social science graduate from the University of Guelph, she honestly delves into the psychology of menopause and aging offering insights and asking questions. Books and products that cross her path, get reviewed.
My Menopause Blog started quietly in July 2005 as a Blogger blog. In February 2006, after Richards found she had developed a following of readers, the blog moved to its new domain, with a refreshed look and new features thanks to Barking Dog Studios of Guelph.
Publisher of the fine art photography, breast health calendar Breast of Canada, Richards is no stranger to the ‘dome of silence and shame’ that gets mixed into women’s health issues. Using her creative sensibilities, writing skill and social entrepreneur tendencies, Richards hopes that My Menopause Blog will serve as a touchstone for women who need to know that they will survive and that they are not alone.
“I feel so much better since I started the blog. If nothing else, my attitude has improved and I’m not as confused about what is going on with my body anymore. Plus I’m so much more open about this whacky experience. If I’m having a hot flash, I don’t try to hide it. In fact, I’m working on a meno-stripper routine,” Richards jokes.
Other MyMenopauseBlog.com features include Club Meno, a listing of links to other menopausal bloggers, over 160 posts, paid advertising by Google, a comprehensive post filing system of specific categories, and a place for readers to leave their comments.
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